Premium Filament Plugins
A collection of expertly built plugins for Filament PHP. One-time purchase, access forever.
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Filament Media Library Manager
Give your users a beautiful way to upload, manage and select media and images in Filament Admin. Integrates with Spatie Media Library.
Starting at €89
Single project or unlimited

Filament Activitylog Pro
Easily add beautiful timelines to your Filament apps. Works out-of-the box & integrates with Spatie Activitylog.
Starting at €59
Single project or unlimited

Filament Auto Translator
A revolutionary new way to start translating your Filament application. Fully automate the tedious task of coming up with and referencing translation keys.
Starting at €59
Single project or unlimited

Filament Onboarding Manager Pro
Beautiful onboarding experiences for Filament Panels. Create a series of steps to guide your users through your app.
Starting at €59
Single project or unlimited

Filament Record Finder Pro
Easily add beautiful Record Finders to your Filament apps. Works everywhere out-of-the-box & integrates with resources.
Starting at €59
Single project or unlimited

Filament Pulse
Build premium-looking Pulse dashboards straight inside Filament & enhanced insights into your Filament apps.
Only €24,95
Unlimited projects

Filament Notifications Pro
Seamlessly integrate Laravel database notifications with Filament.
Starting at €39
Single project or unlimited